To be alone or not?

The value in working with others

This week I feature The WEIRDest People in the World book, which explores how our Western society has become increasingly individualistic, self-centred and non-conformist.

This got me thinking about the incredible benefits of being alone and using your time to focus on your goals… but also of the limitations of living a detached, lonely life, and how we must ultimately make great sacrifices either way.

It’s not all doom and gloom though - you will read the inspirational story of the greatest lacrosse player, as well as get a fantastic tool which will simplify your Internet experience, guaranteed!

🙋‍♂️ It takes a village to raise a child 👶

Our Western society is incredibly privileged - and I don’t just mean we have food delivery and air conditioning. We see the world much more differently than our ancestors. Through many cultural influences, we have grown to be much more individualistic, self-sufficient, and self-obsessed.

We care about self-actualisation and achievement and are free to devote our time and effort to get better at what we find meaningful and build great things.

However, losing our connection to tight social circles and families can have its downsides - and it is not only the spread of the loneliness epidemic or our dwindling social skills.

In Four Thousand Weeks, Oliver Burkeman wrote that some of the biggest achievements - raising a child, building a house or running a business - rely on other people. And yes, other people can be annoying, disrespectful, and run late, but often, we just need them.

So yes, there is value in being self-sufficient and chasing your vision and ambitions undisturbed. But oftentimes, the most meaningful things in life ultimately require we surrender our time - and some of our freedom - to others. And this is fine.

📚 Shelf Shocks 💥

Paul Rabil wanted to chase greatness - and he became not only lacrosse’s most acclaimed player, but also the founder of the major Premier Lacrosse League. During his journey, he wished he had a “manual“ for success - so he went out to create it, using his exclusive access to some of the most accomplished professionals in the world - from basketball icon Steph Curry to guru Mark Cuban.

The result is this inspirational mix of memoir and business advice book, he describes the champion’s journey, emphasises the importance of enduring (and learning from) pain, staying persistent, and finding the right mentors. It is the perfect mix of fitness and entrepreneurship advice.

🎧 Summary

Our society loves to idolise the genius of people like Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos, but the truth is that their groundbreaking success was a result of the work of many, many people.

This “collective intelligence“ is a resource most companies already have - all they need is to give their employees the freedom and confidence to bring their best ideas to the table. This book’s mission is to help you as a leader create the right conditions to unlock that transformational potential.

🎧 Summary

In the past, societies were based on social structures like tribes and families. Today, our Western world has grown much more individualistic and self-obsessed. Anthropologist Joseph Henrich explains how our modern way of living is, well, weird.

Using cultural evolution while also touching upon religion, economics and historical influences, the author explores what made our Western society so psychologically distinct from the rest of humanity, and how scientists should try harder to look past their limiting Western view of the world.

🎧 Summary

Do you miss the good old days when Google was just a search engine, without tons of ads, featured responses, and other distractions? Well, you’re in luck, as Tedium have created a completely free version of Google where you can search without unwanted features.

What is more, you can make this version of Google your default search engine!

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If you have any comments or would like to share what you enjoyed the most, feel free to get in touch! See you in two weeks!