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Keep dreaming and keep showing up!

How to shoot great videos, dream big and read others.

When I was a child, my mother used to send me to many school competitions in subjects like maths, English, and literature. While I wasn’t always keen on going, I went anyway.

And while I didn’t get to the national level or win any big prizes, I got something much more valuable. I learned to show up.

I often didn’t prepare for the competitions - instead, I went for fun, not to chase any acomplishments. But by going there, I had already won half the battle.

Furthermore, while many of the other kids were nervous about how they would perform, I was super chill, as I knew that if this competition was challenging, I would soon go to another and try again. This made me comfortable in an exam-type setting, which helped in university.

And, perhaps the coolest benefit - sometimes I ended up making my way to the regional round of the competitions, which gave me a great confidence boost. So show up! Even if you don’t feel well prepared.

🎬 Film Videos on Your Phone Like A PRO

YouTube star Ali Abdaal reveales his best tips for creating high-quality video content using only your phone. All you need to do is follow a few steps to take our videos from normal to Nolan.

See the full list here.

Shelf Shocks

We were all dreamers as children, but as we grew up and faced the world, remaining one became harder. Fortunately, we are blessed with works like The Little Book of Big Dreams by Isa Adney, which give us the necessary reminder that sometimes, dreams do come true, and we NEED to carry on dreaming big.

The book collects inspirational stories of visionaries who turned their vision into a reality, despite the harsh realities of the world. The book covers believing in your dream (even when others don’t), finding a mentor, dealing with rejection and self-doubt, and even how to enduring and carrying out after your big dreams fail.

Patrick King has written over 20 books on communication and this is his most popular - Read People Like a Book is a guide to improve your interpersonal communication, which mixes body language analysis, persuasion techniques, and communication hacks.

The book will teach you to observe and interpret the behavior of others, and even spot lies. The best part? King gives many real-life examples of how we can apply this knowledge to key situations like job interviews, romantic dates, and conflict situations.

This controversial book promises to teach you to learn to trust yourself and not rely on others for your happiness and self-worth. Framed as a long conversation between an old philosopher and a younger man, the book follows the theories of Alfred Adler and lays down the argument that everyone can control their life, without being influenced by others.

While the idea that most of our anxieties are our own fault (when in reality there are outside factors influencing our behavior that we can’t easily control), the book reminds us that often the root of our unhappiness lies with our harmed ego and concept of self-worth, and that mastering our ego can lead to a better life.

Fun Links

Vassy is one of my favourite marketing experts to follow. Recently, she sat with Steve Dinelli for an insightful interview. She shares her seasoned perspective on topics like the most useful principles of creating a content strategy or how to align specific marketing campaigns or activities with a company’s broader business goals.

Read the full interview here.

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