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Grab my free guide on writing and learn why mentoring is awesome.
I am experimenting with a shorter, more streamlined format for my newsletter this week, hope you enjoy!
Recently, the fourth season of Bulgaria’s Mentor the Young program came to an end. Over 400 mentor-mentee couples finished three intensive months of work. During the closing event, the organizers and their partners restated the importance of mentoring and how it can improve the lives of young people, giving them guidance, support, and inspiration.
I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for all the mentors I’ve had, who believed in me and gave me guidance. This is why I am happy to give back and mentor younger professionals, assisting them in defining and reaching their goals.
My appeal is simple - if you still haven’t had the chance to engage in mentoring - try it! Google a local organization that fosters connections between mentors and mentees, put out a social post asking/providing mentoring, or simply get in touch with people and ask if they are interested in such a relationship! Regardless of whether you give or receive mentorship, you will get lots from it! (If you’d like to hear someone more experienced explain why mentoring is awesome, click here.)
🥳 I wrote a book! 🥳
For my birthday last week, I received the best present ever - the ePub file of my FIRST BOOK: Write Better: A Simple Guide to Better Business Writing. It’s been a long writing (and editing) journey, but it feels so satisfying to hold (well, virtually) my first book. It is just as exciting as the first time I saw a story of mine published in a short story collection.
Sentimentalities aside, I wrote this guide to help you become a more confident writer. Regardless of whether you are working on a blog, a script, or an email, I share my methods for how to write in a clearer, more engaging way. You will also receive my battle-tested tips for overcoming the feared procrastination and writer’s block.
And if I didn’t do a good enough job, I end the book with a curated list of books, courses, and blogs you can follow to expand your knowledge on business writing.
The book is available for FREE here!
Shelf Shocks
1. The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz
In the age of social media glamour where everyone preaches how simple it is to build a business with all these great free tools around, it is refreshing (and humbling) to hear from an entrepreneur who shares that there are no simple solutions for complex situations.
Ben Horowitz shares the many challenges and lessons of his long Silicon Valley journey. He gives his advice on handling situations and contingencies which are staples of any business, but which don’t make for a flashy LinkedIn post.
2. The Real Work: On the Mystery of Mastery by Adam Gopnik
What does it take to become a master at your craft? Adam Gopnik (writer from The New Yorker) talks with painters, boxers, driving instructors, and more professionals to find an answer.
He shares that a master learns each tiny step of their craft, then creates the illusion that it all works together seamlessly. And more importantly, he found that mastery is more about humility and showing vulnerability, rather than achieving perfection.
Helpful Articles
One of the most demoralizing statistics is seeing all the people who have not opened your awesome newsletter.
If you have found yourself in such a situation, there is one lifeline you can use - the re-engagement email.
Wondering how to do it right? These examples show you how to knock it out of the park and win back those idle subscribers with finesse!
Fun Links
AI-generated images are getting better and better. They have reached the point that they are almost indistinguishable from real brand assets.
Think you can spot the fake easily? Try this test to find out!
You've reached the end of my newsletter. Hooray! If you have any comments or would like to share what you enjoyed the most, feel free to get in touch! See you in two weeks!